Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Saturday

The sky is bright, and the weather is fine. Today is Saturday, but I still need go to school, because I take a math class from 9:00am to 1:00pm today.
The wind is blowing, and I am walking alround Lake Merritt. At 9:00am, I came to class. Then, my math instructor arrived too. He started class and all students watched him.
After class, we went home. Tomorrow, I still have to do English grammar 3 , writing 2 and math homework. I wish can get a good grade, and find a good job.

My mother

I remember my mother. She was a great cook. the best cook ever. Every Sunday, we had a big dinner . My mother made many delicious food, and we helped her . So ever everyday , we ate different delicious food .

Sometimes she got mad, but only when we did wrong things. She always defended us when we got into trouble . My mother was kind and generous. She gave food to poor people. She never made them feel bad about taking it. She made people feel good. Just like she made me feel good.

My Instructor

My writing 2 class instructor's name is Nathalie
Pahud. She is a beautiful lady. She has got blue eyes, blond hair, and she is middle height . She is a forgiving lady, and she treats her students well. whatever their age or race . Also, she is a good instuctor. because she taught us very patiently. So I can understand the class. I felt lucky to have met a good instructor. And I am very thankful to her . I believe if she teaches me, I will get good grades.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

How to Clean Your House After a party

Cleaning your house after a party is not fun, but it's easier if you do it step by step.
First of all, sweep dust and mop the floor . then, realign the crooked things on the wall. Second, through out the rest of food and drink. Next, put the chairs back on it feets, and put the shoes , sock and jacket in closet. Third, put the rug on the floor . Finally, repair the lamp.

Introducing Myself

My name is Jian Xin Wang . I am from China . Five years ago , I came to the U S. I lived Oakland . In spring 2005 , I started ESL at Laney College . Before , I never studied English . Now , I can speak some English . I like singing, dancing, and swimming . Since I came to America, I haven’t had much time to dance or swim , but still I can sing in the shower. I study all the time, because I want to Lean English well, and I wish to tell people how to use food to keep a healthy body .